Switch out your after-dinner french press for a coffee-laced cocktail.
Cafe Racer
This cold weather digestif makes the perfect finish for a holiday dinner. It has just enough coffee to perk up after a heavy meal and elegant flavors that will complement any dessert. Recipe for Cafe Racer.
Margarita Negra
This delightful and dark cocktail comes from the Louisville cocktail bar ALEX&ANDER. The rich flavors of Sugarcane Kola Syrup, coffee liqueur, and smokey mezcal make a delicious winter margarita. Recipe for Margarita Negra.
Espresso Tonic
When you're craving an after-dinner drink but not the alcohol, try this refreshing and novel highball. The dash of lime juice and citrus notes in our Premium Tonic Syrup cut through a heavy meal - leaving room for dessert! Recipe for Espresso Tonic.