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Nuevo lanzamiento: Sirope de fresa del Pacífico

  • Comenzamos con fresas maduradas al sol de la costa oeste de Estados Unidos para obtener el sabor y aroma de fresa más puro y de mayor calidad posible. Mezclamos el jugo de fresa prensado con azúcar de caña para crear un almíbar vibrante y exuberante con la cantidad perfecta de acidez.

    La versatilidad de la fresa la convierte en una excelente adición a innumerables cócteles. Recomendamos comenzar con clásicos como el Daiquiri o Margarita.


Fresas de la costa oeste

Sabor icónico

Customer Reviews

Based on 84 reviews
Solid as always

Wow your friends :)

Kim M.
Just. So. Good.

Ordered the Pacific Strawberry Syrup for a signature cocktail for my annual dinner party. It did not disappoint. Natural peak of ripeness flavor. I will order again. I enjoyed Liber’s “stiletto crush” and also modified it for on the rocks and with a Cava float.

J M.L.
Wonderful, complex strawberry!

This is a definite repurchase for me. Lovely and captures the whole essence of a strawberry--it's not just a sickly sweet imitation. Elevates legit strawberry daiquiris. But, you have to try Liber & Co.'s recipe for the "Near & Dear", which is a true winner (the bourbon and this works shockingly well)!

Adam C.
Great for Spring

We've used this in place of simple in a gimlet for a strawberry-limeade esque cocktail and with fresh muddled mint in a soda for those that are less interested in alcohol.

Whatever you use it in, it's great for springtime flavors!

ruslanka r.
